Gaithersburg is accepting applications for vacant spots on the city’s boards, committees, and commissions. Members advise the mayor and city council on how to best support the city, promoting community engagement and bringing about change.
The Animal Control Board “reviews and acts on decisions and orders of the City’s Animal Services Division.” They work on pet shop licenses and make changes to Gaithersburg’s Animal Control Ordinances. Members must live in or work at a veterinary or animal training facility in the corporate city limits. Terms are every three years. There is currently one vacant spot. Virginia Joehl is the chair and Cara Thomas is the staff liaison.
The Commission on Landlord-Tenant Affairs deals with issues that arise between landlords and tenants. They also host public hearings for tenants to speak about their tenants. Terms are every three years. There are currently two vacant spots. Jean Noah is the chair and Kevin Roman is the staff liaison.
The Community Advisory Committee focuses on “gaps in social services for City residents … and makes recommendations to the Mayor and City Council for funding.” The committee meets the first Tuesday of every month. Terms are every two years. There are currently four vacant spots. David Belgard is the chair and Maureen Herndon is the staff liaison.
The Economic and Business Development Committee works with businesses in the community to find “economic trends, opportunities to target industrial, commercial or retail businesses, and observations from visits to other jurisdictions.” They meet the third Friday of every month except in Aug. and Dec. Terms are every three years. There is currently one vacant spot. Tom Lonergan Seeger is the staff liaison.
The Educational Enrichment Committee supports students in need. They provide program initiatives, grants, and scholarships to those who need financial assistance. Their Gaithersburg Recognizing Educational Achievement Today (GREAT) program donates supplies to schools. They meet the first Friday of every month. Terms are every two years. There are currently two vacant spots. Stacey Simon is the chair and Mary Armbruster is the staff liaison.
The Environmental Affairs Committee “[a]dvises the Mayor and City Council on environmental issues … and explores new environmental initiatives.” They meet the second Tuesday of every month, except in April. Terms are every two years. There are currently two vacant spots. Janette Rosenbaum is the chair.
The Gaithersburg Book Festival Committee plans the Gaithersburg Book Festival. They “buil[d] partnerships with regional and local bookstores, publishers, writer centers, authors, colleges and universities to contribute to the success of the festival[.]” They meet from Jan. to April and July, Sept,. and Nov. Terms are every ten years. There are currently three vacant spots. Jud Ashman is the chair and Carolyn Crosby is the staff liaison.
The Gaithersburg Parks, Arts, and Recreation Corporation is a nonprofit organization that focuses on building and renovating parks and recreation in the city.
The Multicultural Affairs Committee represents diverse communities in the city. They meet the second Thursday of every month. Terms are every two years. There are currently seven vacant spots. Anita Cox is the chair and Dorthy Winder is the staff liaison.
The Old Towne Advisory Committee works to “identify potential programs, projects and initiatives in accordance with the Olde Towne Master Plan and its vision.” Members of the committee must live or work in Olde Towne. Terms are every 10 years. There are currently six vacant spots. Tom Lonergan Seegar is the staff liaison.
The Police Advisory Committee works to “promote public safety, form a liaison between the community and the police department, and assist in educating our community for a better understanding of the respective responsibilities of police and citizens.” They meet every third Tuesday in March, June, Sept., and Dec. Terms are every two years. There are currently eight vacant spots. Dan Lane is the staff liaison.
The Senior Advisory Committee works to ensure that senior citizens can “function with independence and dignity in their homes and in the community to their fullest capacity.” Members must be a Benjamin Gaither Center member. They meet the first Monday of every month. Terms are every two years. There are currently six vacant spots. Jean Dinwiddie is the chair and Charlyn Simpson is the staff liaison.
The Transportation Committee works on “policy matters relating to local and regional traffic and transportation issues within or affecting the City[.]” Members must live or work in the city’s corporate limits. They meet on the fourth Thursday of every month. Terms are every two years. There are currently three vacant spots. Sean Emerson is the chair and Rob Robinson is the staff liaison.
Those interested must send their letter of interest and resume to Mayor & City Council, 31 South Summit Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 or email it to cityhall@gaithersburgmd.gov. Members are “appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council[,]” according to the Gaithersburg website.
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